Tell Powerful Life Stories

Coaching &
Editing Services

You have a
book idea, but
don’t know
where to start.

If you need help with structure, time management, or setting clear goals for your project, let's talk about a package that fits your needs.

Coaching Services


    • 50-minute meeting

    • Includes minor editing up to 10 pages

    • Email summary of each session

    • $100/hour

    • 5 Session Bundle (@ 15% Discount) COST: $425

As a coach,
I can help you:

✓ Locate the core of the story you want to tell.

✓ Design a plan to guide you through your first draft.

✓ Define and reach your ideal audience more effectively.

✓ Sharpen your writing with advanced tools, such as defamiliarization, extended metaphor, and lyricism.

✓ Craft a persuasive query letter for agents or a proposal for small presses.

 Editing Services 


  • A standard reading is a big-picture assessment of your completed manuscript. I transcribe voice notes on my impressions while reading and complete 2-3 page summary report highlighting what's working well and where the narrative could improve.

    Think of it as a physical exam for your book.

    • Investment: $1,000

    • Time Frame: 2 Weeks

In-Depth Edit

  • I devote every writing tool I've honed over 20 years to sharpening your story. An In-Depth Edit includes line-by-line feedback throughout the manuscript and a 5-7 page summary report highlighting what's working well and where the narrative could improve.

    • Investment: $3,000

    • Time Frame: 4 Weeks

The Process

The secret to my publication record is that I learned to reach one discerning reader. I offer the same 3-step process to you that I learned from my mentor, Ted Kooser. 

01 | Planning and Drafting

You bring new pages or ideas to a session. I offer some quick takes.

02 | In-Depth Feedback

After the session, I give your materials another look and offer more in-depth suggestions. Maybe I give you some exercises before we meet again.

03 | Revision

You either do a revision or send me some new pages. We repeat the process until the work is done.

What Clients have said
about working with Josh

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